Thats very interesting as I said before I have the issue right in front of me with a mailing sticker on it to a man in Seattle. I can't imagine Life printing two covers. Da Flash
I you Google Life Magazine April 29, 1957 you will see many copies for sale, none of which has Normie Poo on the cover Not trying to make a bill deal out of this DA FLASH
Pretty much just look at the HAMB calendar photo submissions for the last several years, most will be in there.
TRUE enough, but there some really great pics scattered everywhere. Introduce someone to a favorite thread.
Hey, I am not either but here is my cover and the inside ad. Does this match yours? You can see where the address label was on the lower left corner of the cover. Maybe there were two covers. This is not a poster.
Anybody remember where this pic was taken in Ft. Worth? MANY years later, an event was held at Carswell Air Force base. Don't know if they are related or not. Great pic.
The only picture better than a still photo of Candy is one in motion:
boy, there's some nice ones on this thread. something about this one i really like. off a build thread here, sorry don't know from who.
I thought catching a bird in flight when snapping this picture was cooler than the coupes being photographed...