Very cool o/t thread. I love old houses and off-beat ideas. Larry, your home is awesome. You have a great flow of ideas going in there, and it has to be cool to have a partner that has the same "auto" and vintage taste. Congrats all the way around.
Yep. You are right. I love those houses in the Heights! I wish there were more cool old houses still standing in Houston....but you know how it goes here....if its over 20 years old it will get knocked down.
I've heard alot..i mean 'ALOLT' about Scarry-Larry's Joint...Now i see why...Thats is off da chain mann...... Your the 'Martha Stewart of the Kustom Kulture!... My house is on the market now but i plan on looking for an old firehouse in the Ny area....anybody know of anything??? My realitor laughed his ass off when i told him what i wanted it for..... Some people just dont have the vision...lolol
I love old houses too. I grew up in a 1913 house that was built as a wedding present for a Great Lakes ship captain. My current house was built in the late 1800's. When I resided the back part of the house that had been added on after indoor plumbing was added I found 1901 newspapers and flourbags covering gaps in the old underlayment. This house has been "updated" so much that it has lost all its soul and is just a place to live. My daughters house on the other hand is a very interesting place, built about 1880 it was originally built as a tall short house because there was a creek running through the back yard. As near as we can tell the creek was filled in shortly after the turn of the 20th century and the first floor of the house was backfilled till it looked like a basement with brick windowwells. Now there is a fireplace in the "basement". We are currently stripping all the old apint off the beautifull woodwork including the upstairs fireplace that had about 20 coats of paint over *cherry* hand carved wood work!!! Today I will be working on building new window sashes out of Douglas fir to replace the rotted ones on the front window.
hack man, was that your "shaggin pad" of years gone by!! Great looking dig's boy's.....lots of hard work on all counts!!!!
Hell i love to see pictures of shit like yours, keep em comming, your house rule! it's rather a huge inspiration then a case of huge jealosy
My house was built in 1927. 3 story 4 bed room house. Still have the radiaters heat the place. Lots of the original wood trim as well as pocket doors. There is a newer 3 car 2 story garage out back. Thanks to General Motors I will be selling the place. I hope that I can transfer and be able to buy another place that is older and with land this time. Sorry no pics.
Back in 1959 my dad took me to Disneyland and they had an attraction there called the "Monsanto (tm) house of tomorrow." It looked a lot like yours... Pretty cool place- I like the furnishings- period correct.
Larry that is an incredible house man! I wish I could talk my wife into something like that. Do you use all 3 floors? What's the square footage in that joint? Gotta be like 10,000?
Lucky, I love your place mate. This is the style of place my wife and i have been looking for, not many here in Canbaerra, but there is a few, demanding big dollars as they are all close to city centre (Canberra only became a city in the 1920's) and developers are bying them up to demolish and build high density. Doesn't seem to be anyone over here trying to save them
Larry badass place. Ever wanna Host a H.A.M.B Gathering? PM me if your intrested!!! Trying to get another east coast hamb meet going!!!
larry, can i buy timeshare at your place for vacationing? i just bought my first home, small cape cod, 3 bedroom (i.e. three big closets!) but its not even worth showing on this thread. it was built in 1929. i looked around my area for a while for a old gas station/warehouse/ luck...and the bank doesnt like loans for things like that, especially for a first time home buyer with no money. im hoping after i get some equity in this place to buy a small gas station or the like and do it up myself while living here, then rent out my place. maybe in like 5 years....... -Rob
Also, larry i have to ask...........what are the downfalls of buying/living in a place like that as far as heating, etc. etc. what was the biggest hurdle in getting it to where it is today?
Lucky Burton, that is a great place! I'd like to have a place like that, but would have a hard time sticking to one period to make it right. Buckeye, its about 3800 sq. ft. a floor. We only use the second (so far). Rusty, we would host a HAMB meet next summer after the Jalopy Showdown is out of the way. If anyone is ever in the area (I'm 10 min. from York PA) and would like to stop by, just let me know and I'd be happy to show you around. Like I said, we dont have a lot of people stop in. A collection is no good if you cant share it.
Man....some real cool pads...ours ain't old....we opted for s-p-a-c-e... the city was too busy and I wanted land. I love here. I should have bought more...for a dirt track.
This is my friends home but I designed and installed a custom home theater and distributed audio throughout this castle. "I live in a van down by the river...!" It was Built from 1880 to 1898 has a ton of fireplaces to keep the 11,000 sq.ft. castle "Cozy"...! It was modeled after the "Bullen Castle" in England and includes a 3,500 sq. ft. Carriage house with hardwood floors and crystal chandaliers. The servants house is 2,500 sq. ft. and the Boat house has enough room to park a pair of Chris Crafts and a float plane. It's currently for sale for only $5.9 million and I think that a HAMB'r should get it...! pm me for details and MLS...!
Hey Rob, first is getting a commerical loan. Please understand I'm no high roller. I was a truck driver, now I buy and sell this stuff for a living. All this junk was paid for by the buy three/keep one method over 15 years or so. The building was a steal and I'm partners with my brother. Our bank is actually owned locally, so we talked directly to the guy that makes the decisions. Most banks are not that way anymore. You fill out your paperwork at your branch and it gets sent to New York and if your numbers dont work perfectly...your out. I wrote a B. S. business proposial for the suits at the bank about all the big storage rent money we were going to do. (I do rent some space out...pays the taxes & insurance). I had a driver '64 Corvette this bank guy took as our 25% collateral. He just KNEW he was getting my car (didn't)! Then consider location and zoning issues. I would not live in a shit city neighborhood just to have a giant building.The other big advantage we had was the building was also in real good condition with a newer rubber roof. Kims brother helped with the inside work and we did as much ourselves as possible. I sold a car and jukebox stuff off to help pay for the conversion. We spent 60 grand in 8 months of work to get it done. New HVAC, plumbing, electric, windows, blast the wood and walls inside, refinish the floors, new kitchen & baths and build walls. We heat around 3700 sq. ft. with 13 ft. ceilings and my brother has about 1000 sq. ft. downstairs and my highest heat bill for a month last year was $700. About half of that for two other months, then close to normal the rest of the year. It is a real consideration depending on your location and situation. If you do find a place, take your time and have other people (engineer friend/contractor buddy) look it over if your not sure. Most people (family and people with homes decorated in country style with ducks stencled on the walls) will tell you your crazy. You just gotta FEEL if your are buying a giant turd or not. If you got a caved in roof, a bulge in a wall, and a foot of water in the basement, you may just want to walk away from that one.
Larry, one of these day's i'm just gonna make a trip down just to check out your digs. I'd love to have a tour! That place is CrAzY cool! Hell, i gotta get down there at some point to Sawzall's place to get the quick change rear he picked up for me, so i'll be in PA anyway..... More than likely it'll be in late March or April once the snow's gone... maybe we can have a unofficial HAMB meet.. Tony