The Jalopy Journal
yes i have a return spring , brake fluid is clean im sure it just seems odd that i can pump the brakes for any amount of time when car is sitting...
yeah all 3 have been replaced with new lines
thanks john will do
man great pics dog taking my imaganation on a wild ride
yes john i have a return spring , still locking hmmmm thanks for all your input i will eventually solve this problem
yes rusty i have abought 1" play before braking also porknbeaner i have change the fluid twice and rebuilt the master twice again thanks guys
pasadena mine only has 1 rubber line conecting the the rear brakes to the main hard line should i have three?, i have a rubber line at each wheel,...
first let me start bye saying thanks for taking the time to help solve my problem My 1938 Buick it is all the original style brake system i have...
all buick in the 30s are 16" i beleive the bolt pattern is the same
Hello every one my name is JOE Ive been on the side line much to long finaly figuerd it out looking foward to meeting new freinds and talking to...
Separate names with a comma.