The Jalopy Journal
What do you bet that Fritz guy is in advertising? :) He's like a user car dealer. Kidding. Seriously though, what are the traffic numbers here?...
Denise, Looks like some good parts left in that yard. You were worried about poison ivy. I take it this was a rare junk yard with no snakes? or...
Clark, Sorry I missed you last weekend. If you have the right size ream, go ahead and heat the end of the axle and hit it a few times with a...
I will pick 1:01p.m.
I wonder if the buyer of the mustang would be interested in some prime florida real estate.
Thanks for the great movies. Looks like a lot of fun.
That is a lot of cars for a 23 year old. Welcome, you will fit in just fine.
Welcome to the HAMB Sean. I've had my share of '50 and '60 ford whale tails.
Don't forget to put residual valves in the lines. Looks like you have the master cylinder on the frame. If your wheel cylinders are higher than...
Clark, It looks to me like you are starting a small collection of FORD powered vehicles. Next you will be putting a ford into the '32.
I see you already bid on the one on ebay. If it gets to expensive you can always use an old water fountain cooler. It can be set up to circulate...
Nice car Sammy, and welcome. I have a '62 pontiac sitting in my garage. Not as old as yours but it sure is fast.
Thanks Don, Sitting here in a snow storm looking at your great pics. One day I hope to make it there (hopefully while it is snowing here in the east).
Rumor has it the folks at SoCal had the name SoWhat deleted. Clark, you have almost as many posts in two days as I have in two years. By the way,...
Got my two on thursday, everyone involved did a great job. And the mailman took the time to bring it up to the garage instead of "stuffing" it...
Separate names with a comma.