The Jalopy Journal
Really nice work 48stude. I am envious :)
Well I have been on here more years than I care to remember, my old profile will not let me in so I started this one. In the past I have sent a...
Agreed on the job you are producing. Never going to by a Speedway axle again.
Hope your daughter gets better soon. To make up for the well controller, please restock the beanies and I might order a bunch of beanies and...
But are you getting a new supply of beanies in??
And when having a vehicle raised ALWAYS use proper jack stands and NEVER use concrete blocks ever !!!
Welcome to the hamb and the hobby . Did you go to the Albany swap meet this past November? One guy had a 57 4 door Chevy for $2500.00 that did...
I messaged back and forth with someone about their axle a year and half ago , and he admitted they had multiple stores on epay and that it was all...
Sorry about your friend but lucky dog . Nice car. Always liked those early vettes .
LOL!! Told the family that comment you said. All that was funny .
Hello. Ryan, are you restocking the sold out swag ? (beanies , shirts and hats ) Thanks
x2. I need two beanies and a shirt . :)
Not "buy" but "by" :)
Hello. Just to clarify, I had one from a 1969 Chevelle with the Muncie shifter and one of my books tells about these trans being in the Chevelle...
Hello. Longtime looker . Original sign in won't go through. From Oregon here. No disrespect but Muncie 3 speed trans were in late 60s/early 70s Gms .
Separate names with a comma.