The Jalopy Journal
Some buddy's and I have been throwing around the idea of staring a meet and cruise once a month here in Lubbock on a Saturday. This would be a...
Almost time to put mine all back together. 48 F1
I'll take it. PM me or email me and we can work out the details. I have two F1 boxes but they need rebuilt. My larger box is complete and in great...
Do you have a pitman you might want to sale from the bigger box.
Bottom end looks to be ok. Might do some work to freshen it up. Trying to stick to a good budget build. Once I get to work putting the motor...
mtflat - I heard that it's like having poorboy power steering! Might add power steering later, but why now if I have a good box. Talked to those...
Just for heck of it I mounted the larger F4 box. I think it fits fine. The column is only like an 1/8 larger than the F1 column and I could only...
Thanks guys for all the input. Thanks for the pic Deuces. My 351w is an 86 and i am just re building the top end. Motor had 80,000 miles on in...
I have read a lot about this set up but cant find a good solid answer to two questions. 1. Do you need longer push rods? 2. Do the valves...
Read that about the turns lock to lock being more. The mounting holes have a larger pattern as well, as the column is longer. If anyone is trying...
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