The Jalopy Journal
awesome old school look, gret. fantastic to follow this thread from the beginning :) [IMG]
thank you guy´s! :):)
hi lukas, schöne grüsse zurück & danke für die info. ehrlich gesagt wäre mir ein oldschool look wesentlich lieber, wird auch geschehen. jedoch...
hello again, hope to find some help, if somebody knows anything about the history of my car ... it´s now in austria sorry to make one...
hi carsten, greetings to north germany :). does nobody know this mercury, who has built it?
hey merc50, great patina, great merc :-) hi max, svs nach wien !!!
hi together, and thank´s to all of you!
svs christian, danke, cooles forum hier. bin auf der suche ob jemand was über die geschichte von meinem merc bescheid weiss. hoffe man sieht...
hi again, try to find out about the history from this car. if somebody know anything about this car, who has built it and so on ... i would be...
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