The Jalopy Journal
Way behind on this one but........
And that is approximately where the timing mark hangs out wheni've got the strobe on it and thengun set to 8° BTDC
This is what the waterpump and harmonic balancer arrangement relative to my timing tab looks like
How do I tell the differemce between the long and the short pump?
Unfortunately I don't have a vacuum gauge. I guess I'll have to try and find a piston stop. I know I read somewhere about there being a 12...
Hey everyone, I am trying to time my 350SBC and when I clamp onto No.1 cyl plug and then get my timing light hooked up and grounded, my timing...
Heck yes!!!!
Chiefharlock Waynesvegas... er... I mean Wayneaville...
I was also thinking that the track up front is a bit wider than stock and that a different offset on the wheels could be helpful
Well, I'd like to try and maintain as much of the original vehicle as possible and not chop away at her, plus I dont want to raise the front wheel...
Here is the car as she currently sits in my garage
So how did it end up lookingnlike a piece of shit?
Hey everyone, been a member for a little while now but haven't posted til now. I recently acquired a 51 Chevy Bel-air project that is a liiiittle...
Separate names with a comma.