The Jalopy Journal
I have a "32" fiberglass roadster. I have no problems with a glass car. Not everyone can get their hands on steel, so they settle for glass or...
This is probably going to be of no use to you, but it is just my last experience with a one wire alt. I installed the alt. Started engine and...
I would like to un street rod this car a bit. It has bright aluminum TT on it now. I tried to p-shop the wheels I would like to have on the car...
It's self-explanatory. My name is Andrew, and I live in the city.
No photoshop expert here but, what do y'all think of the 51/41 Willy's F1 ??? I parked my truck visiting a friend and I was looking at my truck...
I assume you tried putting air in the tires?
I always liked the th350 for my cars. The 400, I felt, was over-kill for the horsepower I was dealing with.
Thanks, I guess it can't always be done like that if there is no room behind the alternator. But, it sure does make short work of it.
Ok, new internals installed and she's charging like a champ! Thanks for all the helpful replies. The job was very easy especially since I was able...
Thanks for digging. Between all the helpful replies here and a little digging myself I feel confident in the kit I ordered and replacing...
Well, it is possible my mistake only melted a little bit of wire and didn't harm the alternator. Maybe it was already faulty, and I just paid very...
I found this video(s). Explains it very simply. I just ordered the 2nd kit Mr48chev suggested. Should have it by Friday. With a little luck I...
I didn't buy a kit yet. It's always something.... The job itself it so friggin easy only to be bogged down by lack of knowledge of the components...
I was confused by that myself. I was wondering if I buy the kit. Do I keep the jumper wires I have and leave out the diode trio? I am thinking to...
Separate names with a comma.