The Jalopy Journal
Thanks for the help guys... I might never figure out where it came from but it's pretty cool, some day I'll put it on the hood of something and...
I found this in an old box full of my grandpa's stuff. Any idea what it's from, or if it's aftermarket, who made it? I thought it must be off an...
Anyone? ;) [IMG]
Don't put oven cleaner on anything aluminum or magnesium. I'm pretty sure over cleaner has to be cooked to work? Maybe i'm wrong...
I wonder if cup cake pans would work for frenched round lights etc. if you cut them up right...
Don't waste your money on degreaser/carb cleaner. Read this and Pine Sol will be a regular on your shopping list:...
There are alternative ways to get Photoshop too... If you're interested PM me.
By rushed are you referring to the quality of the colorizing or the speed in which I did it? :D
Here's what I came up with... lines are rough and the whole thing was kind of rushed but it should give you a general idea... Anything you want...
Thanks Dale, I'll admit it is purely aesthetic, but its something that will set the frame off from every other one in existence. :)
Thanks Pete. Will it be stronger along both axis or just the axis perpendicular to the newly welded in tubing?
I'm going to bump this...
Hey, I was looking at the holes thread, and was wondering if anyone had some insight on how doing this to round tubing would affect it's...
Separate names with a comma.