The Jalopy Journal
Quit workin on cars 3 times, sold off everything including the tools , never once made it more n 5 years out of it , last time I kept the tools,...
have since the bluegrass resurgence in the mid 70's ,still love it
another issue I really DON'T Want to deal is with my having at least 2 projects going at all times I don't want any hassles witrh those dumb assed...
Thanks guys I am mainly concerned w the weather and car stuff , but as long as I was asking I threw in the job + real estate things ($40-60.000),...
wife and I are planning a move out the salt snow belt (MN) in a year or two to the Boise/Eagle ID area , and need some info like climate , real...
Then what Mutt said
57 to 64 has a larger wheel bearing ,but I beleive you use the later axles + bearing outer and inner bearing races to make the swap work,other...
you CAN get the ign. out of the dash , BUT you will most likely mess up the retainer ring and or threads on the ign switch-prolly both , BUT you...
Sorrybto hear it . Our thoughts + prayers go out to his family, anyone forward this to gasser Madness? Just a thought.
Tired of the same old open element air cleaners -more muscle car era-and the billet stuff is so common they look cheap IMO-, ,old school Caddy...
I love Polara's myself , did a 66 Polara 500 w buckets ,console and 440 /auto a few years back and got my license in my dads 66 Polara more door...
its back now , My 56 SD is on there, great site , been awhile since it was mentioned here , but if ya like the old stuff ,go there definately
just down or did I miss something?
Separate names with a comma.