The Jalopy Journal
I have had good results with Liquid Wrench and Windex (original blue with ammonia).
On episode of Cops an officer claimed a car they pulled over was stolen because it was an '83 model and the taillights said "1984". They're not...
I'll be out there so I'll stop by. And I think I've been waiting for years to meet hotrodladycruiser!
I grew up in Bowling Green and live an hour away now. I still have family there. I've been to all but one Bowling Green HRR. There are a few...
Duct tape, painted tan. Tracy
Simply, Ford and all the current manufacturers are in the business of selling new cars and trucks, not keeping old vehicles on the road. Ford did...
Too cool. A friend of mine who ran a body shop did some killer 50's/60's Tonka mods like this. He used engines and wheels/tires from the 1/16...
What do you want to do with the car until you sell it? When you finish your work will you say: I can't wait till I sell this barge? or I don't...
What they are asking is for the resistance of the sender that works with gauge. Most instrument clusters I've worked with have a regulator...
I remember the Fonz working on quite a few cars, but never this one. Tracy
I would run it, get an E.T. slip, then pull the cam and display it with the cam AND the E.T. slip. Tracy
I believe the "A" was for gas rationing purposes. You could only buy gas on "A" days. Two years ago a kid (17 yrs old!) found an old car in a...
Only if you have 4V heads. The exhaust ports are that different. The hole on a 4V exhaust manifold is bigger than the whole exhaust port boss on...
I think you want the motor revving closer to about 2500. If it's too slow, you're below the power band and "lugging" the engine. Did you ever...
Just a few..... There are two more closets full. Tracy
Separate names with a comma.