The Jalopy Journal
what i did with my garage was wire it for 440 and 220 at least 2 of each on every wall the i insulated the walls and put corregated steel up to...
edelbrock has a pretty good table of the jetting your carb to what motor you have and the elevation you live at etc. i rember calling them one...
the way i was always told was that you lose about 30% of the horsepower from the flywheel to the tires so if you want 420 hp at the rear...
i had that problem once kept bleeding the brakes and replacing the wheel cylinders come to find out i had a broken caliper bolt that would put the...
go with the standard way funner and easier to fix if anything goes wrong
i would run thr volare master and prop. valve if you have them just leave the power booster off if you want manual brakes. make sure the prop....
doesnt matter how you hang the drywall just stager the sheets i was goin to drywall my garage but it was cheaper to insulate then use corigated...
i converted my 67 cougar with an auto to a 5 speed then to a 4 speed(5 speeds kept breaking) i tried the cable and hydraulic set up but i have to...
im a big fan of using ricecakes i know 3m makes them im not to sure if anyone else does. they take off paint,rust,ect. without warping the panel...
i use both i have a sensor for the bigger of the two fans and have the smaller fan on a switch incase i ever need a little extra cooling
I say go with a 700R4 you get four gears and it bolts right up if i remeber right you have to modify the tranny crossmember and shorten the...
a while back i was getting a beer with my pops and i told him "dad our waitress is nails dont you think" and he looked at me like i was speaking...
i think you would be happier with the 455 because their is way more aftermaket parts. all the people i know that have ran caddy 500s always had...
some of the car furniture i had was 1 a 57 chevy loveseat made from the rear third of a wrecked 4 door 2 a few barstools made out of old steel...
Ive done metal finish on my own cars i dont think i ve got enough experience to do it on cutomers cars though they have asked me to.i took a 2...
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