The Jalopy Journal
Fair enough. Yes, older tachos will indeed be more or less basic analog electronics. For a modern one I'm not sure, micro computers have become so...
Maybe. But I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. If you are going to make more or less complicated solutions perhaps it's worth looking at...
I'm not sure a meter movement is strong enough to handle a belt drive. It's built to handle a needle moving with almost no resistance.
Sounds pretty advanced, for the time.
A domestic sewing machine has the power to do that. I figured that out when I was getting an old machine back to work, running it watching...
As others say, fan shroud. The fan does little good if the air going through it isn't forced to actually go through the radiator too.
The cobbler machines such as Singer 29K are interesting ones. Very optimized to do ONE job, and that job is sewing in hard to reach places - such...
You'd only be charging one of the batteries. Why don't you fix whatever issues you have with the starter instead? I'm pretty sure it worked fine...
That looks like it actually regulates to the desired voltage. This means it will give you the correct voltage even when the load changes, the...
A small cable size (for the current it has to carry) will have excessive resistance and cause a significant voltage drop. Less voltage reaching...
Yes... but the same can be said about improper use of almost anything.
There is welding completely without electricity = without interference that may affect electronics. It's actually very traditional. [IMG]
I'd rather try three car batteries connected in series with some jumper cables, and any relatively small size welding electrode that works well on DC.
You could also wire a pump to only run when there is oil pressure or the starter is in use. Not fool proof (nothing is), but it's a good step up...
As usual, money. A low precision design can use low precision parts and low precision assembly, making parts with low precision on some areas...
Separate names with a comma.