The Jalopy Journal
is it only leaking from the rear shaft. or travelling ?windage.
can you grab the drive shaft, and wiggle it inthe trans (in other words play btween the yolk and trans shaft) rear trany bearing? or is it tight....
in stead of me giving uneducated guesses, how is the yolk shaft on your d-shaft.? are there pits from rust over the years b-tween the trans seal...
and then i read your original post. you answered your own question....... replace the 1/8 inch of a ding.
i am going to respond w/ this , possibly your tourqe converter is leaking back into trans. i have no posts to give any backup. even if its...
yes its not that hard. assume your on level ground to change a tire first. put car on stands , pull the shackel bolt. drop axle with leaf spring....
pull the rear leaf spring eye bolt and it should drop more. just a thought. and the shock too.
[IMG][IMG] i tried to upload into my profile with no luck yet. so i did read all the stickys and ran a search. still trying different ways...
[attach]this a little better
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