The Jalopy Journal
Thanks for the help, im going to email them and see what they say
Its not a triangle though its a little dude with his head turned sideways and a hat on
Any Idea on this one? What the make is? This is the only recognizable thing on it, its one of the drawer pulls.
We were given this by on of the guys my boyfriend works with, its a 12 drawer tool box. He told him it was a snap on, but we arent to sure, can...
Yhea i found her stuff in a magazine once, her stufff is a little to pricey for me though, all though i would like one of the 32 duece purses that...
A good artist will take what you show them and put it on your skin in there own hand, i garuntee it wont look axactly like you had thought it...
Exactly what the last guy said, some one is always going to be dogging what ever you do. Dont ever let anyone tear your dreams for you. I think...
Hello all, i joined this site a little while ago, i found it on google, i was searching for cool purses and it brought me here and showed me some...
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