The Jalopy Journal
That storm sucked. It really messed that place up. I hope that this storm doesnt stop the action too long. I have a LOT of good memories up there.
Wow, what a prick thing to do. I had someone throw a milkshake on the hood of my camaro while I was in high school one time. At least that just...
Welcome. The car is looking good. Hopefully I will see you around town.
One of the coolest front bumpers ever... Car looks good on the ground. Does the frame touch first or the body?
That has to be the coolest paint job I've ever seen. Whatever it costs it will be worth it.
I really want to see this one in person, it looks pretty bad ass!
thanks for the input guys, I ended up getting a two stage enamel from a friend of a coworker who gave me primer, paint, reducer, hardener all for...
55 Buick?? Do I win something?
I've looked into getting my own powder coating stuff before, and the website has some pretty good deals on it, I just cant do it right now. I am...
Hey guys, I have a set of steel smoothies for my 49 chevy sedan, and I want to paint them a pretty wild color of green. My problem is I dont have...
I have state farm for mine, it runs 70 bucks for 6 months.
I used Harden drive axle for my camaro, and will use them again, he does good work and WAY cheaper than austin drive train. He is located off of...
Separate names with a comma.