The Jalopy Journal
:( Since this last post I have done nothing to the '35 besides gather service manuals / information, and turn it into a shelf. I've moved the...
Sorry to drudge up an old post, but has anyone else have info on Blue Crown plugs? I just pulled the plugs on my 35 and found 6 of em. I have 2...
Thanks for the info, the cabinet I got, not really sure if there's a quick cleanout trap on it or not, probably going to put a hole saw to it and...
Hey guys, Sorry for drudging up an old post, but this is most relevant to my questions and I didn't want to start a new post to be flamed for...
What's up all? Creepr, I was down your way beginning of this month in Buford wiring up a 94 LT1 into a 93 Jeep Wrangler. Wish I had time to...
Preciate it everyone! BillyBobs, I'm right behind the Embassy Suites, so seriously right around the corner! I'll let you know when I get the 35...
Great pics everyone! Here's some I took @ my grandfather's, figured they'd make good backgrounds on the pc.. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Found a site w/ paint codes.. it's black, was hoping for blue. :( next question, anyone know a decent...
Thank you for info, I will definitely pull the pan. That gives me the great excuse to pull the pan and check this sucker out. Been dying to...
Anyone know a site for paint codes? Hood is showing some blue but the car is black. Someone brushed it.. The paint code on the cowl tag is...
Thanks All! hotrod1970, been there before but it's been a while. Last time I was down there was 02/03.. Had my little grey s-10, stayed after...
Lots of carter carb info.. Debating on pulling the carb off and just going through it before trying to fire this thing up. The oil looks fresh...
I found this site poking around, gives a lot of good info on #s.
Thanks for the pics of the master. Even though I have a 4 door, the wheel base looks to be about the same. Your hood looks longer that what I...
LMAO!! Going to go check my grille for rubs / dents :D Thank you all so much for the information and links. I'm honestly used to working on 89+...
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