The Jalopy Journal
I grew up in Rural Iowa and it was hard to get to a big car show. That being said I am glad people want to take the time and money to save...
A friend of mine built one across the river in Iowa last was abig block straight axle car.
I will tell you what helps me do wiring . I purchased a small label printer at a garage sale for about $2. I label all wires on both ends to keep...
I have no idea where you are but locally here I know a guy who does dyno work . Quite often someone has him try several different cams to find the...
I can always buy used welding cable cheap at farm auctions or garage sales. I think it works great but then I'm the kind of guy that flattens...
Until the flood my only phone was a pink Princess. Grandson gave me his old out of date laptop 6 years ago. I made my jackstands out of scrap...
I was lucky enough to meet him and his wife at Byron a few years ago. seemed to be the same in person as he was on here.
For those that don't know ,South Omaha is a lot like area 51. Things happen.
Everybody I knew wanted to be Milner, I wanted to be Bo Hopkins, I still want to be a Pharoah
Built one years ago. I found out being 6 ft. 4 inch and 250 lbs isnt the hot lick deal in one.They are fun ,just too small for me.
I am not an expert in those old Dodges but a friend put an S-10 5 speed in his. I think it was a '55 0r '56. He said it wasn't that hard.
I am car-less right now so I can't criticize anyone who is out there being somebody. One of my biggest problems is my friends are all dieing.
Thanks for letting me share these build threads with you guys.
I built a car trailer with square tubing . used it as an air tank for tires.
Grew up on a farm in the 50's ,we fixed everything or we didn't get to use it .Dad had an old canvas bag that held all our tools.A lot of the...
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