The Jalopy Journal
Thanks for the compliment! I'm sure you're right, but I'm getting old now and wishing I had some of my first rods back. Doesn't hurt to try.
I'm pretty sure the guy who bought it from me was in the L.A. area. He had something to do with NSRA. Don't know where the second pic was taken.
I built this truck back in 1994. Sold it to a guy in California in 95, he flew out to Texas and drove it back. The second picture is one my son...
All right, I've got the picture now, thanks!
Hello Ryan, I guess I don't know how to navigate the site, but I'm interested in a listed car and there is no contact info for the seller. He's...
Wow, you may be right. I looked up some pics of zipper style roadsters and that just might have been the plan. I think I'll just go back to stock...
Yep, you're right, it's an all Chevy set up and your assessment is probably right. With the wheelbase being longer now and the coilovers moved...
I did. Brookville said none of that on the back is theirs and that it was added on and that they can't imagine why. Very nice folks, by the way,...
Bought this Model A rolling chassis because it was a great deal and I've always wanted to build a roadster even though I have no experience with...
Don't know about the length of a 300, but we are going to have to notch the firewall to get the 200 to fit. The 3rd generation sixes were 144,...
Here's a Ford 200 with a C4 going in our Model A roadster. Doing it to be different and because everyone and his mother has a rod with a V8.[ATTACH]
Thanks for the responses, guys. It's good to hear what some folks with experience think. I ordered some 5" frame tabs so I'll have a lot to work...
Separate names with a comma.