The Jalopy Journal
I posted a '63 classic 2 door.
The van is a '73 3/4 ton. It has a 302 w/ auto. 3 seats in back. Super solid, but could use a paint job and some weatherstrip. I have the original...
Here is my daily drive. This thing will haul anything!! I love it.
So, I have been searching for months for a 3 speed for my '63 Rambler wagon. I just found this '63, 2 door, 6 cyl. w/automatic (automatic is what...
Heres the one and only Olsen Eagle. It is for sale in the Chicago area. Toronado chassis and drivetrain. It could almost be cool?
I apoligize, my son did the rendering off your car and has put it all over the place. I guess it is a compliment? Your car is awesome and it lit a...
Heres how ours will look (I hope). My son Jake is 16 and he and I want to have this done by spring.
So this is my 16 y.o. son Jake's version. He is totally into it now.
OK........ so my head is spinniung here. Can anyone tell me if an automatic AND a 6 cylinder (or V8) will bolt in to my torque tube driveshaft....
My garage.
Here is a pic of the wagon.
You guys have been great, I have found out that going automatic is not going to work. Crankshaft won't mate to 6 cylinder. I have a couple options...
Thanks Hemi, Will the auto trans bolt in? My son is 16 and I would love for him to have an auto. Arnold from Minn. called and says he has a 3...
I have a very nice 1963 Rambler 990 cross country 6 cylinder wagon with a bad t96 3 speed trans. I need a new trans (impossible to find so far) or...
Separate names with a comma.