The Jalopy Journal
please let me know if you find one :D
we used one of these in my kids jetta as an aux window defroster (it has a leaky sun roof so it fogs pretty bad sometimes) i wired it directly to...
might be the wrong ones on there now they should just fit over the axle
i always tell my son no brain, no pain! but i'm guessing that doesn't apply in this case way to keep after it
iv'e been told that this works well
who's car is again? oh thats right its your car! do what YOU want, who cares what anybody else thinks !!!!
just know that you have made bad choice in the past. and the last couple years you you made better choices. its all up to you, its tough...
good times
thats cool:D
well im guessing that would be the same for my coupe?
its stuff like this that makes me proud to be part of the hot rodding community you guys are great
it will go quick,spend as much time with them as you can. seems like not that long ago but, mine are almost out of the house!
i think a lincoln from the big box store will do what you want, and then sell it when you are done with it,if you dont need it any longer. i have...
boy im loving all these 37 pics:D
hey, new here been around awhile, thought i would sign up and look around.
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