The Jalopy Journal
73 last May, just updated my PS3 today, got an Ipod last Christmas. What I used to do all night now takes all night to do but would not go back....
Okiedokie, What is the size difference between C4 and AOD, I also have a C4 in a 47. At 70 mph I am turining 2100. Oldrod 47
Friday - Vendors are noticeably down, my guess is 30%, a lot have gone belly up in the recent economy. Talked to some yesterday and they are...
I'm using Sanderson block huggers, 302 in 47 with C.E. Mustandg II front end.
Glad the hear about Alante, it was recommended by the guy doing my 47, The sample had a good feel and I wasn't going to spend the $ for Ultra...
Yes but not like Friday's-I swear I saw a 'gator or 2 at the back of the swap area.
Instead of screwing aroung with all the adapters etc, why not get the one that it came with rebuilt?
A little tip or two. If you use a dry powder ext. "just a little bit" get it recharged or replace it. The powder in the valve will absorb moisture...
Tailiights look '54 '55 Kaiser. Cool cars in the day, looked like customs from the factory. Had wild interiors and colors
I've been down this road with an early (73) 302. Wasted a lot of time looking for a 3 bolt pulley with 3 sheaves so I could run A/c and PS in my...
Try Bradleys about 35th and Shadeland, not cheap but treated me right.
I was a member of the car club that puts on the Washington Square Mall (Indianapolis) Cruise In every Friday night April through October. This...
It wasn't in Greenfield. It was at what was US 40 (Washington St.) and SR 100 (Shadeland Ave)on the east side of Indy. Location is now an INDOT...
That's what I was looking for. Now I need some warmer, dry days to hit the pic a part/pull a part yards. In the teens this a.m. Thanks
Yes, I need to have a narrower package on the front of the engine, and I don't have the $ for a fancy March set up and I don't want to convert to...
Separate names with a comma.