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- Location:
- So Cal
- Occupation:
- Rocket Surgeon
- not yet, but I got my eye on a nice set of wheels for my cardboard box
- nah, they laugh at my box
Grew up around drag racing, Fremont was my "home" until the train barons pulled the lease....now it's me and this cardboard box...
looking forward to interesting posts like this -
While we're gathering chutes, backing down etc., Tom McEwen's '57 comes into the shutoff area. Picture this...
McEwen's about 10 feet from me. He had a cord that raised his roof hatch. The sun is perfectly over head, and filtering into his car. He had on his black helmet with the gold mongoose and facemask, goggles still on. He gives me a short wave...
and my camera is back up on the starting line. For a moment it was the '60s, it was the greatest photo I never took.
- Art Cimilluca "THE CAYUGA STORY" posted on NR
me and the box have lived in tons of cities in the states of California, Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, and Virginia....don't go all romper-room on me...I'll eventually get to your state too...Interact
If you have something to gain, your words and actions are suspect....