The Jalopy Journal
looks like someone got drunk and there was a torch nearby. not my cup of tea, needs a bed to be a truck
knock yerself out dude, and dont forget to make a place for the dog to sit.
I used to be a parts guy and I always told the techs when they came to the back window wanting to know if their special ordered part was in yet......
the numbers on them could either be part numbers or casting mold numbers. You might be able to do a p/n search on the internet at a autoparts...
my brother had a 61 New Yorker, it was cool, it had some weird stuff on it, like a rear air conditioner (complete with comp. fan, vents) in the...
great lookin' car....another welcome from the land of flat...
here's a few ..the edge of blak bling (fer all of those kids out there) ..smooooooth
ok, its time to weigh in on the top 5 as I see them 1963 corvette 1953 studebaker 1940 chevy master deluxe (almost bought one twice) 1960 caddy...
Here's a good question. One night about a year ago my oldest and best friend and I were sitting in his driveway drinkin' PBR and talking about...
the big four oh.
Howdy I finally got around to joining up (its been about 5 years in the process to do so). So, I thought that I would intro. myself for those...
Separate names with a comma.