The Jalopy Journal
I've got my engine up and running on the test stand and I have done my preliminary setup of the new springs and axles on the frame and now I am...
Many thanks to jaracer. I made those simple changes and the engine fired right up like a champ. One thing I did had to contend with is possible...
Thanks! I will try that. I was pretty sure I made a basic mistake but did not know exactly where.
Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to get spark on the isolated coil test. I moved on to working on the distributor and did not get spark...
Ok I am still doing something wrong here: [ATTACH] I am trying to do a spark test to verify my coil, plug, wire, etc. is ok BEFORE testing and...
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I am going to try a new set of plugs and wires and also upgrade to a new Pertronix coil. The engine had been...
I'm continuing the process on my learn as I go setup of a 8BA flathead engine that I will be installing in my 30 Modal A Tudor. I have converted...
The picture shows the gear when it’s disengaged and pulled back toward the starter unit. When it engages and pushes forward there will be less...
So I cut out the end of the can so I can finally get a good view of what is going on. Reassemble everything and remount the starter motor yet...
The bell housing I have is the truck bell housing and that and the starter plate I have match the Van Pelt photos for that. I do not have the...
Pulled the bell housing and starter plate off today. Double checked the starter plate and both mounting holes for the starter motor were parallel...
Ok removing this seems like a good idea to be able to see the gearing fully with the bell housing fully on and since my cup is dinged up quite a...
Yes we can turn the crank pulley with a ratchet and socket and cycle through a full turn. When I put a torque wrench on it there seems to be...
Separate names with a comma.