The Jalopy Journal
That northerntool jack looks real good...25 bucks + about 12 shipping. Thanks for link. 300 bucks +++. Out of my league. Found...
Thanks for the lead at Harbor Freight. A little too tall. Looking for about 6"-6 1/2". Doesn't need to be too many Tons. I plan one using when I...
New to all this. I am looking for the shortest bottle jack I can find. Whats the best brand and the best place to shop? Thanks..:D
Anybody have any ideas on finding a 15" wide white wall like the Champiros for under a $100 a tire.
Whats FNG stand for...? Is it "F"ing New Guy? I found it reference in another automobile site.
I am looking for the real stuff, not the plastic chrome door edging.. but the stainless steel. Just straight pieces where I can cut to length. I...
I am new here, so hope this is the right place to place a want add? I just bought a set of 4 Wheel Vintiques Smoothies from Summit. I see the...
Still dead in the water? What about this valve cover?,5495.html I am...
[IMG] Here is my Shay. Mine was built in 1980. If you do a google search under Ford Shay you can find the Shay website. I am near Klamath Falls...
Just found you people by accident.:eek: Looks like a neat place. Hey... I am a car guy. Love them all. Anything to do with cars!!!!:rolleyes:...
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