The Jalopy Journal
I am looking for a 1940 Chopped Chevy Coupe picture? Anyone have any? I tried finding pictures on the internet but can't find any chevy's. thanks
Ok scratch this idea, Now next..... Where can I buy a good project car for about $1000.00?
If i were to soak doors, panels, etc. and when It was done soaking, would I be able to repair without then rusting again? What is the time frame...
put it in someone elses name, and just drive it? I did this for regualar cars, can this be done?
I am gunna try this, if i decide to move on such a project for a 1940 chevy Coupe... What about doing the body, - BIGGER container??
So just spray it off with water (garden hose), and then primier? would that work? soak in vinegar for how long? I think I may try both ways, see...
Soaking parts. I would like to soak some doors, odds and ends. White vinegar or apple cider vinegar? 100% vinegar? I am looking at buying a...
How do you all do your vinegar bath, or can only shops do them? I would like to do a few things, special vinegar? mix ratio? How about Muriatic...
anyone know where I can get pictures of a already chopped 1940 chevy coupe?
I noticed on here some where, but cant to seem to find it any where, about a Vinegar bath ? What is that all about?
Ghost, thanks, I think I am gunna sleep on it for a few days, and then decide. I have always wanted a 1940, chopped or lowered a few inches, i...
BWJ I privated messaged you, I have a house in Michigan, I visit 2-3 times a year.. I have decisions, decisions, and more decisions I see...
No title, its in alabama, anything up to 1960 or somewhere around there doesn't need a title just a bill of sale. I can get a title for $75.00...
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