The Jalopy Journal
Go to a muffler shop with your old one as a pattern and have them bend you one up. Take everything back home and remove the cap adapter and reweld...
You could just mix up a half gallon of body putty and smear it in there;). Sanded down to the proper dimensions and no one will ever know:D. After...
Unfortunately, most of the time these kind of cover ups are structural.
LOOKING GOOD! Keeping all original parts is neat too. You have done an admirable job on that fender and a little more time it would be near...
Long handle box wrench cold and running along with my bent end feeler gauge.
In WV stock exhaust manifolds go for $25 apiece. Figure that into lawn mowing by the area you have and now you have it. Then you can explain to...
You are getting there with ingenious out of the box ideas. A bench vise? Who would have thought of removing it from their bench to do that? I like...
Move them to where it isn't. ;)
It is a Y Block. Measure the stroke to determine what displacement it is. 239, 272, 292, 312 Ford to 368 Lincoln. 1953 to 1964.
Cardboard. From the thick stuff to poster board. sometimes Elmers Glue to hold it together along with staples.
Ideal for a high-end build where the builder is in search of a part that cannot be found. More for them that could afford it and need the quality...
I cannot disagree more with those two statements. While I cannot go into descriptions here of what I got myself into some have asked in a PM and...
Separate names with a comma.