- Birthday:
- Jan 5, 1953 (Age: 71)
- Home Page:
- http://www.wheredoldcarsr.com
- Location:
- lavernia,Texas
- Occupation:
- oldcarguy/photographer
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- Birthday:
- Jan 5, 1953 (Age: 71)
- Home Page:
- http://www.wheredoldcarsr.com
- Location:
- lavernia,Texas
- Occupation:
- oldcarguy/photographer
- www.wheredoldcarsr.com and thats only some of them
- unafishyated < lots of buds>
I use to sell beaters in Chicago to the people that would put there nice cars away for the winter, because of the salt eating there purdy cars. So as I hunted beaters came across some cool old cars ,and noticed a better $ market,+++ started enjoying driving some of the oldies i would get. So now that I live in Texas,and was a sales rep, traveling the lonely back roads between my custumers I would leave notes on cars or make arrngements with people that had a car I could buy even if it took me paying on the car while it stayed in thier possesion the I would pick it up take it from point A , wher it ccould not ge seen to point B where it could be seen , noticed, luked , the sold . What a great hobby, Now I am trying to set up place where kids can enjoy building there dream rides, Whith out the hassel from some home owners association telling them to get rid of that heap. Say a prayer you guys it happens . What can I say thats about it glad I saw your site, feel free to write. God bless ...........ReubenInteract