Yankee Peddler Mustang
Member, from returned to Long Beach, CA.
- Yankee Peddler Mustang was last seen:
- Oct 17, 2019
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- Location:
- returned to Long Beach, CA.
- Occupation:
- I.T. Manager
- Yankee Peddler '65 Mustang, Grey Matter '89 Mustang L/Stock
I'm the oldest son of late Jimmie Smith, a regular at OCIR. Jim raced a '65 Mustang "Yankee Peddler" and was Wilson Ford Drag Club president at the close of the 70s. Originally from Long Beach California I came from a family and neighborhood full of gearheads, some of them legends. Richard Bays, Gene Conway, and George Schrieber were a few within walking distance. I attended my first drag race at age 2 at Lions. - Loading...
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