Just a quick question are you near Candy Cane Lane. I'll be going around that area this weekend. Your pictures look pretty cool
Rev: Yeah funny how the digital camera freaks out trying to focus on the lights all of our pics are crazy too. What is that wagon? It sure looks bad ass! All I can say is it's not CHristmas with out a car on the front lawn.... Jerry: I am about 5 minutes away from Candy Cane lane....get out your map book and find the corner of Gibson & Granite in Pacific Grove and thats us, actually some cool lights down our way too so its worth the drive.....Knock on the door if it looks like we are home and say hello...Ted
Rat...thats my 64 Merc Colony Park...it's a dam illness i tell ya 300+ lights on her this year:0....these LED's rock ! Half the people drive up beside me and give me the thumbs up ...and the other half look at me like 'im on drugs Merry Merry my friend PS....it's the daily driver man !!lmao
This year I have a house full of Brits + Scots, so I'm figuring on taking them for a swim in the ocean on Xmas day...... it looks like they are already having a tough time of sunburn for Xmas !!
Oh you know it! Festive AND Gay two great tastes THAT TASTE GREAT TOGETHER! By the way Kev PM me your address as I can't find it so no X-mas card or midget porn for you til I get it......
there's this house down my street, with a trailer in front of it, and a buncha junk cars... they used to have the BEST lights man. but i think the city made them stop doin it a few yrs ago. it was all beer neons and shit. haha