Would appreciate any help identifying the steering column on a '29 Ford hot rod I bought a few months ago...would like to put a different steering wheel on it. It came with a poorly installed Bell 3-spoke racing wheel but I'd like to use something larger and more period correct. As you can see in the pics it has a spline...a semi-retired bodyman helping me thinks it may be a GM column from the 30s/40s....we tried a '40 Ford steering wheel on it and it wouldn't fit. Couldn't get any pics of the steering box-sorry. There appears to be some kind of aftermarket pot metal adapter in place. Thanks in advance!
I'll move it for you. You should change your name as there is already a FLAT-TOP here. Good luck with it.
***Any idea of the approx. age? Trying to narrow down what steering wheels would fit....thanks. -Pat.
30s to 80s used the same spline. Getting it to look right and making the horn work are another story. what's the number on the adapter part?
***The number on the adapter is 10158, and then there's a "w" after that. Can you narrow down the age/make with this info? Any suggestions for a 30s/40s wheel that would fit? Thanks a lot. -Pat.
What's the steering box end look like? A picture might help if the shaft is an integral part of the box. If there is a U joint between the shaft and the box, a new shaft with the tapered ford end can be substituted. Total performance used to sell a tapered Ford stub shaft that could be professionally welded to your shaft after the proper amount was cut off. Then the 40 Ford would fit. The outer mast looks like a 30's Ford with the mini-bell on the end.