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attention model builders and art guys check this out

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by caffeine, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

  2. himmelberg
    Joined: Jan 9, 2003
    Posts: 268


    Cool, indeed. Sometimes I sit back on my jaded ass and think there's not much new under the sun... then something like this pops up. Great stuff.

    impressed, himmelberg
  3. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,094


    Impressed? That rocks! I would have to use real car parts and pvc pipe to make my own... Too rich for my blood!
  4. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
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    from Chicago

    That's cool! It would REALLY be cool if the parts were realistic.
  5. Bugman
    Joined: Nov 17, 2001
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    Can't make'em to real or detailed if you want it to look like an actual blown up model
  6. G V Gordon
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
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    G V Gordon
    from Enid OK

    Very cool. There may be ten wives that would let you hang that in the house. lol
  7. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
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    Smokin Joe

    I think some "Artists" are way overpaid.

    I could get drunk and puke on a canvas and be more origional.

    Nice idea, but the money is way out of line. And it sure isn't art to me.
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    That is really cool.

    ...and the money is NOT way out of line.

    You guys really make me laugh sometimes. You'll pay $30,000 for a '32 ford, and defend it all day long.

    You'll defend $10,000 for a paint job on a car.....

    Hell, I bet you think $2500 would be a CHEAP paint job on a car.

    Well, I bet this sculpture has just as much time into it as a paint job on a car.
    I figure its made from a mold, but you have to think, someone BUILT that mold. Someone is taking the time to cast the 'glass....

    You guys who think artists shouldn't get paid really irk me sometimes. :mad:
  9. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    took the words outta my mouth. and this is coming from tingler who charges not NEARLY enough for his art (for which i will be getting some cash to you shortly, i did not forget!!!) Same as shopping around for a good price on a tattoo!

    i just always tell people "heres a brush, go for it"

    if someone can reproduce that, make it look just as good and be built just as good for cheaper, let me know, but i guarentee youll change your mind after your done trying.
  10. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
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    Smokin Joe

    I'm really hoping to get my whole car done for UNDER $10,000 not just the paint.
    It won't have fancy paint because I'm not going to give someone 1/5 of what I make in a year to paint it. I'll just have to rub out my own runs and orange peel.

    I hope the guys making the mold and doing the work on that got more than 8 bucks an hour. But I doubt it.
  11. HIDDEN
    Joined: Jun 17, 2005
    Posts: 641



    That logo rocks! One scoop of chicken, please
  12. I saw that on a design site the other day and I decided I couldn't live without it, then I saw the price... and then I checked my bank account....

    It's totally cool, and not at all overpriced. Someone will buy it, it won't be me, but I would if I had the money.

    I just need one of those Willy Wonka shrinker/enlarger machines.
  13. Indocil Art
    Joined: Apr 29, 2005
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    Indocil Art

    Not that hard to build with all the junk I have around the shop
  14. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
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    from Garner, NC

    I wonder if I can talk him into an art show? :rolleyes:
  15. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
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    Smokin Joe

    Don't get me wrong here guys, I see a Remington bronze that makes a horse and cowboy come alive and I see art. I see a good set of flames or stripes that flow like they belong on a car and I see art. But this guy is making more money than I'll make in 5 YEARS before taxes because he got the idea to blow up something he probably picked up off the floor in his kids room to wall size. I don't see that as art. Cute idea, and kinda funny but is it really worth a quarter of a million bucks? $2500X10 + whatever he got for the signed origional and what he's going to get for showing it. I don't think so. Sorry... I bet most of you artists secretly wish you could pull this kind of money too.

    And yes, I think paying $10,000 for a single color paintjob that I'll have to rub the runs and orangepeel out of myself when I get it home after less than a week in the shop is bullshit too. But it's gone way beond that now. I know a guy right here in town that paid $22,000 for just that last summer. And that car didn't need any body work at all. It was just a change in paint color.
  16. Very cool idea! Wish I thought of it! Thanks for the link!
  17. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
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    from Central NJ


    and yeah, the guy that came up with the pet rock made a lot of money off an idea just like the guy that came up with the 32 ford did. :) all about imagination and creativity, sam egoes for building cars, etc. etc.

    i see it as art completely. it too talent and imagination to create it.

    like i said, you make one just like that, ill give ya 2500 for it. k?

    edit: gotta add that i would pay for it because its worth it. if Von Dutch himself had done it doesnt make it worth more to me.
  18. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 7,490


    That's awesome..... :eek:
  19. sometimes the real art is in the sales! being a artist isnt as cheap like the media would want you to believe! it cost to be cool!:D
  20. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
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    Smokin Joe

    Na, if I did that, it would be a copy not art. I'd be sued and he'd have another quarter million. What would you pay for a 6 foot screwdriver to stick in the corner? Or a coffee table that looks like a bottle of Testor's glue. Of course you'd have to change the name on the label to Tastor's or something. That's just as origional...:D

    And, what's sam's ego got to do with it :)
  21. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    I think art has to speak to the admirer. That is so cool because of all the hours I spent with the model. Most art is out of my world.

    Now if he mad some 4 foot injected molded copies for a hundred bucks, I think I might have to buy one. It's such an inside joke that only a modeler would know.:D
  22. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
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    A handfull of years ago, someone built a MAY have been the Kookie clone? I don't really remember....anyway, their display included a giant bottle of Testor's paint, a paint brush, and a giant tube of glue. Big enough to make the car look like a model. That was cool.

    I'd love to have a coffee table like that.
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
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    Hey Smokin Joe,
    You know me...I'm not attacking you....well, not too much. :D

    I understand your taste is NOT for this thing, and because of that it sure isn't worth $2500 to you. Guess what? Its not worth that to me either. I don't have the money or the place to put it. :eek: :D So its wayyy overpriced for me.....

    But, I would think $2500 is a pretty good deal for that piece, if you wanted it.

    Part of the value of art is the fact that there is a limited amount of it.

    I'm not too mad, I just feel that I have to stick up for the artist in these "conversations". :D (how would I expect to get paid if I said art was overpriced?) haha.

    Oh yeah. I paint my cars with a paintbrush and tractor paint. CAUSE I'M POOR.
  24. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    That piece of art is not overpriced... and at least as cool as a brass plated Deuce frame.
  25. 50Fraud
    Joined: May 6, 2001
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    $2500 x 10 = $25,000. I don't know where you got a quarter million, but I think you're further into fantasyland than the guy selling these things.
  26. This piece of art is COOL!

    Man...that's exactly why it IS art! How many times did damn near ALL of us walk past the same object and NOT do anything this cool with it?! If he can make 5 times my earnings (or more!) off this thing...more power to him! He had a unique idea and went through the trouble to CREATE it!!!! You're not just paying for the art piece that gets mailed to you, you're paying for the IDEA and the TIME it took to turn the idea into reality and the time it took to make the piece that is acctually getting shipped to your door. It's like when you pay a striper to stripe yourr car and it takes 20're not payin for JUST the 20're payin for the time it took him (or her) to learn to do the job well and do it in that amount of time! It's just as much art to do this as it is to paint a portrait...a portrait is just a copy of someone's face and this is just a copy of someone's toy.

    "Secretly wish"? I would love to make a ton of cash off an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothin secret about it at all! :D

    Having said all of this...I won't be buying one, this year , but if I could swing the dough I'll bet Babs wouldn't mind it hanging in the living room!
  27. Scrub
    Joined: Apr 1, 2001
    Posts: 49


    Wow...that's really nice. Nice enough to pull me back into the hamb for a post.

    Barnett is exactly right..."that is exactly why it's art"

    Pick up an art book or two and check out some ideas goin on in the "other" art world besides the "car art world". Without sounding like name dropper (can't stand it) it is very similar to some of Jeff Koons conceptual sculpture.

    I like to stick to the idea that art is when craft meets conception....meaning an illusion is brought to the viewer when an idea comes to life through persuasive crafting.

    (BTW...if you wanna a 6ft screwdriver [or a 50 ft screwdriver] check out the artist Claes Oldenburg)
  28. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
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    from Central NJ

    you would certainly need a big screwdriver for this!!!

  29. Bob K
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Bob K
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    from Antigo Wi.

    Damn if'n I don't have one of them.

    Just showed it to Maggie and she loves it. No we ain't gonna buy it though cause there is no place to put it and we don't wanna give up any of the stuff we have.

  30. Aaron51chevy
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
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    The guy who made the repos got a whole bunch more than $8 an hour. Casting, either lost wax, or sand something like that is a big deal. Even if it is multiple parts cast and then put together that is a big project. Plus then sanding down the parting lines, gates, and such smooth. The original sculpture probably has hundreds of hours in it and the castings probably have just as much time involved. I've done action figure castings out of plastic, there is a TON of time and labor involved. I've done sand castings as well, major time there as well and it's pretty easy to mess up.

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