HAMB Member Denise Sheldon on page 76 of Rod and Custom! Lookin good- no one deserves it more than Denise. Personal Congrats from Tom!
Finally got my copy today. What great coverage, way more than any other year. Denise you know you are an insperation to so many. To take your car to so many events and meet new hotrodders all the time. Lots of people live a dream through you here and you certialny do them proud. You certiany rocked the Ego Rama, and showed some real hotrodding spirit. You probably held back as not to make 6 grown men look bad, including your dad. I feel pretty lucky to know you the way I do I may even take what you do for granted sometimes, but you should know how proud I am of you, and what you do for the hobby, and shariing alot of what you have done with me, for that I thank you. THe Big Olds is lucky to have you as it's owner too.
Got that right Roadstar...there are not many women ( I can probably count them all on one hand) in this hobby that take rod running to the extreme like Denise does...I'm proud to know her! R-
For those that have never met her, just wait, its only a matter of time. I fell like I am better off for knowing her. Always a positive attitude and one of the few people that may actually put more miles on their hotrod year after year traveling to shows then I do.... Congrats.
Gotta love the Olds. Gotta love the tool box in the kitchen. Gotta love love the smokey burnout. Gotta love the trip out west. Gotta love the cookies. Ya just gotta love Denise!
Finally got my copy in the mail today! I was tempted to go looking for it on the news stand. Anyhow, got it now. Denise, if I wasn't married, I'd be after you like ugly on ape. Love Ya' Gal!!! Ponchoman
Think she'll spend more time now in her re-decorated kitchen than on the road now? She's definately our kind of LADY. Congradulations on the coverage Denise; it is well deserved. It's also nice that they recognized the help from your HAMB friends as well
Hey all right! just got mine last night the BIG OLDS was the first thing is saw. nice write up too. See the hamb got some props. good stuff. Rock on Denise! btw- i love the shot missing the hubcap!
You guys are making me blush AGAIN! Thanks for ALL the kind words. I'm THRILLED that R & C mentioned Mike, Rudy, Rodders Digest and the HAMB in my feature. It was VERY importANT to me to make sure credit was given where credit was due. I'm also very proud of the fact that Big Olds did so well in so many categories, especially ones like "budget" which for me is exactly what the HAMB is about. Building cool cars on a "budget" so to speak. Your sooooo funny......think Roadstar and Beatnick will do Actually my kitchen re-decorating has just begun. Roadstar thinks I'm nuts but it will look cool when I'm done and fit my personally better then the southwest "theme" it currently has. I'll post pictures when it's completed. You guys will love it! and if I wasn't dating Roadstar............. see ya in April bud xoxoxox I am soooo looking forward to meeting you. You HAVE to get up here and visit your relatives so we can meet Your WIFE???? Last I heard she was a fiance' (sp?). When did you guys tie the knot?? Of course I did Wouldn't want to crush any "Ego's", ESPECIALLY Dad's I'd like to toss congrats back at you for just purchasing a very cool '32 5 window coupe. It's going to be the talk of Lovely Livonia come springtime. Don't forget, I get a ride bud
Congrats & Merry Christams to Denise, I picked up the new R&C for something to read on the plane back from Portland. Noticed that you were in there there along with my pal Jim Shelton. Good job!!!!! and I like the adventure that you had chasing down the hubcap. I'm glad the it was retrieved. Thanks for mentioning us HAMB guys to Kevin & the R&C crew. I wish you the best. Kevin
Denise, as you know I think you are a National Treasure and that you embody all that is good in we Americans. You have it ALL. The fact that you happen to love old cars is just a reason for us on the HAMB to shower you with praise. Incidentally, how did you dad make out with the '56 after all the troubles he encountered on the way home from Ego? Hope everything worked out. John
congrats Denise..........I was wondering what happened to the hubcap in the "scan" that you posted the other day. But, the I remembered the story on the ole' HAMB. Chris Nelson Kansas
I'm such dork. I was showing every body and going, "I met her, I met her" Me= big dork. Denise and her dad = Cool. Congrats.
denise, i love people that have cool cars, that drive their cars, that get in r and c, that bake cookies. congrats!____dan
Well, I waited long enough to have just about everything this super lady is and has done to be posted. Only one problem, she's probably already surpassed everything that's been written. Just about the time you think you've heard it all she tops herself once again. From the time I first met her she has impressed me in so many ways. She's independent yet dependent, she makes you feel good about yourself, she takes a genuine interest in other people, she's really fun to be around and she makes others feel included in whatever is going on. She REALLY gets to know a person and can cite facts about someone like she's known them her whole life. She's definitly "one of a kind" and we are VERY fortunate to have her among our "car crazy" group. Oh Yea! I almost forgot. She bakes a pretty good chocolate chip cookie too, and gives super hugs, and........................................... you must be getting my drift by now, right? Frank