As some of you may know I have a brother-in-law who lives in Corona, CA. He's an architect and is absolutly buried in work. Since I have about six years on CAD, he asked me to come out and help him for a while. I thought, gee, and leave the 10-25 degree weather in Ohio, HELL YES! I got here on the 17th and was planning to come back to OH on the 21st when he asked if I could extend the stay. I guess he liked my work. I thought, you're family, I can't say no, so I didn't. Besides, he's paying me and covering ALL expenses. Anyway, I ended up extending the stay until the 29th. Sorry, I'm just venting. While I love where I'm staying and I love my family, as sad as it soulds, I miss my wife, dog and seven cats. Don't miss the snow for a second! I contacted some people here about getting in touch with them while I'm here, but I've been real busy helping out at Jim's office. Sorry to anyone who was expecting me to call them. Maybe next time. And another thing, this is my 100th post! Somebody get me some grenades, I got some inspecting to do! Vance
Hey! You all got the original Hotel California (California Rehabilitation Center) right next door in Norco. You can check in, but you can't check out.
Theres a lot of things in norco we dont talk about. Like the fact they think that theyre a different city. NORth COrona, get it? Hopefully ill be outta here and up near Sacto and the city after high school; though i know ill probably end up right back where i started.
Sounds like your best bet is to have the wife pack up the pets and go out to be with you. Go West, young one
I think that's what my borther-in-law has in mind. We were talking today and he asked about extending my stay again. I asked for how long and he said until my wife/his sis either comes out here or asks me to come back. I tell you, with each day spent here, it gets tougher to back to Ohio... Vance
She HATES cold weather! When we came out here to visit in October I told her my mind was made up to move out here. Then when her brother needed help, that just cast the idea in concrete. There was the missing link as far as employment goes for me. I'm still working towards my first degree and she's going to start towards her CPA and a masters. When she gets her CPA and/or MBA, she'll golden. I have a feeling that I'll be looking for schools out here very soon. I'll have to keep everyone posted now that I've aired all the laundry... Vance