what we have is my buddy's 68 small block Camaro owned since new issue is start runs fine can do many errands but then it just acts up like there is no spark at the plugs.only when you shut it off never stalls while driving. everything is new coil cap wires control module.runs fine then shut it off and go to start no spark go back in 1-2 hours starts fine. Checked wires contacts the only thing im thinking left is the ignition switch been changed some 30-32 years ago so could it be bad contacts in ignition switch. Were stumped and good guys is a coming and we done want breakage .any input would be great seem like were missing something. thanks
Then you will need to test condenser and coil, or try replacing them. Sounds like coil or condenser gets hot and has to cool down. New ones can be bad, if you have the old ones try them. You sure your getting fuel ?
If it still has the points style distributor, there is a wire that comes from the starter to the coil to give it 12 volts when it is cranking. It may be that the starter solenoid, or the wire is corroded and not working when it gets hot. If it has been upgraded to an HEI, then I would say the module in the distributor is bad. could be that when it was changed somebody did not put di-electric grease under it and it loses ground when it is hot.
Check for spark, good chance you do have it and if you do check what type of fuel he is running. If it has any ethanol in it, there is a good chance the fuel is evaporating from the carbs as well as bleeding through the boosters and the fuel pump. Ethanol is going to get worse and worse on all non fuel injected engines. It is very unstable above 96 degrees and when he shuts the car down it is causing the restart issue. One way I have been offsetting this issue is to add an electric fuel pump. If the fuel is the issue, with an electric fuel pump, when you turn the key to the on position, the electric fuel pump will refill the fuel lines carb, etc and allow the engine to start quick like it should. This is a problem I've been running across more and more frequently for the past 4 years. If you can keep the fule under pressure it will stay stable, the higher the pressure the more stability, this is why the modern fuel injection systems work ok with ethanol based fuel they are forcing us all to run these days. This is a huge issue with lawn mowers, tillers, small engine rigs where they are affected to the point that having the choke on slightly will make them run better. This is a huge reason why all car people should write to congress and tell them to fight against corn based ethanol fuel being made a standard in this country. Not trying to make this political, but it really is a huge concern...
Yep, I put the grease under the module last summer when I replaced it. It’s an Accel Street Billet electronic distributor. It was only 4 years old last summer when it first acted up. I’ve also had two new Super Coils on it in the last year too! crazy ass thing popped right off last night after getting home from Menards!! goint to install a new ignition switch in it today just wonder if its not the contact in there give it a shot and see what happens.
You say it acts like there is no spark but have you checked to make certain it is a spark problem? Try cooling components with some computer duster spray.