To my fellow brothers whom also served; I salute you for your courage and service. The Howitzer shoots another round at the base of those who would fault our liberty and freedom !!
@arkiehotrods. My God, man, that was wonderful. Thank you for sharing. If you don't mind, I'm going to pass it on.
Arkiehotrods, that is fantastic, even for an Aussie it has a lot of meaning! That main message for all, thanks to they who paid the price. Oh! And in no way too long! Doc.
Gave my seat to a WWII Vet for the annual flyover of Veterans Memorial Cemetery... he was assisted into the seat and given the obligatory "bail out" instructions and he said that it he'd rather take the ride to Heaven in that plane!
To all of those who will never grow old, But will always remain young in our mind's eye, The faces, names, smiles & tears,... You have not been forgotten,.... we carry you with us with every breath of freedom we enjoy,... Always mindful, You are the ones that paid for the freedom we enjoy, With your blood. No tribute will ever be enough for what we owe you,.... Rest easy Brothers,.... Fair winds and following seas,... I will always remember you,....... "Lest we forget"
We all live in this great Country FREE today do to the unsung heroes that have and are serving. Most of all let us NEVER forget the brave men and women that have paid the ultimate price. God Bless America.
We remember our fallen and those who return - ANZACS- New Zealand and Australian remember all those who have gone before us. You guys show us a tremendous support on our ANZAC day and we return the support
My Dad's ship. He was a bosun and plankholder on the Sabik. He loved the sea, hated war. Didn't talk about the bad things too much, made lifelong friends on that ship. Showed me a picture of a Japanese 4 engine bomber they shot down. He was rather quiet about that. The ship was scrapped in 61 when I was born. Thanks for your service Dad. Brad
Thanks to all of the veterans, current and past (and passed). I served in the Navy from 1980 to 2000 and would not trade that experience for anything. And do NOT appologize by for making "off-topic" posts about this. There is nothing more on-topic to the HAMB than veterans. WWII veterans built the hot rod and custom hobby. It was their ingenuity before the war and their enthusiasm after the war (and skills learned at war) that resulted in the traditional rods and customs we love today.
@ Arkiehotrod.Outstanding sir.Reading that brought back many memories of the grand old gentlemen that I was blessed to know who served in WW1,WW2,Korea and Viet Nam.Thank you for the post. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Arkiehotrods, I just read your post, a day late, but then it's never too late, is it? My eyes are wet as I write this post. An excellent essay, and I too will share it with others. A real keeper.
Perfect... <iframe src="//" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945</a> from <a href="">Richard Sullivan</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>