Would like to start a thread of what to expect for tech and safety inspection at the hamb drags.... Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
For the street driven cars, It was pretty basic and standard. Throttle return springs, catch can, neutral safety switch ETC...
How does neutral safety affect manual shift cars? Would a clutch switch be required? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I have a clutch switch on my car, sometimes they check it ,sometimes they don't. They have started looking for scattersheilds on stick cars
Go to http://www.mokandragway.com/rules/ This should answer a lot of questions. Also Carl made a post on the HAMB Drags section about tech. One new item last year was that roadster must have roll bars. John
A clutch switch should suffice on a stick car. A neutral safety switch is pretty uncommon on a stick car.
Ok ive asked several people this but havent got an answer yet and it does not say on the Mokan sight. Our FED does not have a Double hoop on the cage. Is that ok? I dont want to ruin the period look of the car by adding a second hoop. Here is a pic.