Hello, Hambers i have run into some problems finding original parts like fenders, bedsides and such for my 54 chevy 3100. The local swap meets had nothing and ebay and craigslist have not helped much either. I opted to get reproduction steel fenders, chrome grill, and bedsides from the truck shop in orange and they are nice steel repdouctions to the tee of my originals because my old stuff was warped and beyond repair. So my question to you all is what do you all think of reproduction parts? Does it bring the value of my truck down? I feel bad that i got repops for my truck as i wanted all original but in southern California and in general everywhere I looked I could not find squat for my truck that was original. So Opinions and maybe pics of other trucks with reproduction parts because why not
Having reproduction parts will not devalue your truck.You will find that using aftermarket parts will have some fitment problems, so try everything on the truck before you move on to body work and paint. I haven't used parts from Brothers, but I imagine there are only two or three manufacturers of sheetmetal for the AD trucks.
I have used parts from "The Car & Truck Shop" on my 1st series '55 & '56 3100s (front bed panel/tail gate) & all the other parts I needed as well as more sheet metal for my '67 & '68 C10s (fenders/doors/grills. etc) & a couple of Camaros. They all fit well with little or no modification. Most of the vendors I have come across at different shows/swap meets sell their sheet metal. They usually beat every one elses price.
You may also want to try Jim Carter's, Chevs of the 40s, or LMC Truck parts, and if you don't mind paying for NOS, Obsolete Chevy Parts in Nashville, Georgia. I've had good luck with all these vendors, though I personally did not have to replace any big sheet metal (except bumpers and grille, all of which fit and looked great).
@MotherTrucker literally has the motherlode of oe parts for our trucks. Personally , I would much rather have 51 chevy parts for my 51 chevy. Otherwise it's recycled 1988 civic turned into repop fenders.
I like the truck shop and I've bought parts from Brothers (both are within a half hour drive from my house) and 1 thing I really like about the car and truck shop of orange is that they have a real nice display of parts. Brother's on the other hand has very little on display and what I don't like about a Brother's is that nearly every part I needed had to be ordered. It took months to get the part. For that reason alone, I don't go to Brothers anymore. I've also used chev of the 40s twice and the first time they sent me the wrong part (and they tried to say it was the right one, when it didn't even match the photo on the catalog) The second time, I ordered some starter brushes and it cost me more for shipping ($13) then for the brushes ($10). I've also used Classic Parts (formally "Chevy Duty") and I was happy with their service and parts.
Good point, I was thinking new parts. A couple other real good guys who dismantle these trucks and sell used stuff: Brad DeLong in TX Brad Delong <adpartsman@yahoo.com> Bob Adler in NY Bob Adler <bobadler@nycap.rr.com>