The jury is still out as to whether this is going to be Kustom or a traditional bomb, as I've got so many ideas I could build one to head down each direction. Sadly the bank manager won't allow that. Either way I have gone to great legths to track down the original parts to put this monster back where it belongs. Story begins nearly 2 years back with a butchered 51 shell from Utah at a pretty good price and with a little pre-purchase searching a spare donor roof to repair the damage from Michigan(!!??) heres a pic
So with Dave Jackson the owner of the donor roof offering to drop it from Michigan to his summer locatiojn of Arizona it just left me to get the tin the rest of the way to LA. Starlite were confident that even though this roof was from a GMC they should start removing the old roof immediately at the factory spot welds ready for the donor to arrive
Looks great! Wish mine was as rust free as yours. You def showed me how to pull my roof for the future. It's been a few months,any updates? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Also what the heck does the lower clamshell door hinge mounts look like underneath the truck Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
ssingo, Here is a great out of this world optioned out Suburban bomb being worked over at a shop in Post Falls, ID. link -
It looks like you have a good one going there. You could always build it as a simple traditional burb with stock trim in place and lowered right and after you have it finished and on the road add the "Bomb" regalia if you want to. Visor, skirts and shiny doo dahs are all bolt on anyhow so it could still be done on a painted rig just as it was when the "bolt on the goodies" brigade did it on new off the showroom floor rigs in the 50's. That might even be a way to have a fresh burb with a different look. after a couple of years on the road.
What the hell was that on top of the old roof man ? A water bed frame ? Pop-up camper ? Yikes ! Great save on a cool piece of steel.......I like the bomb photo submitted above. Never would have thought you could skirt those "Burbs like that. Looks like it's in good hands. Have fun with the build. I dig it !!
That's the look I'd love for mine. +1 on the waterbed lol Gotta be an update it's been months! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Do you have any detailed pics on the waterbed? Possibly factory lol? Would like to know. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Sadly not a waterbed otherwise I'd have to keep it. But yes you guessed it . Some hippies grafted there own scratch builtk westfalia type roof or Samba roof!!!!!
My Christmas was spent ill in front of the TV restoring the Olds steerign wheel that is going on the Suburban
Why an old wheel? well because I had to sell my beloved Dynamic 88 that I had since I was 20 (after 20 years of owning) I wanted somethign to add to the car
Are you planning on painting it the same color as the firewall currently is? Are you planning on chroming the grill? Looking good!
Yeah. The firewall colour will be body colour but not sure whether to two-tone it yet with darker fenders. Grill will be chromed but might have to stay for a year or so in paint first.
Yeah got so many ideas I might have to do another later on 38Chevy I was resisting getting into the airride until moral had got low with the small tricky jobs but as I want to get my titanium blocks and bridge mounted I have had to have a play Titanium = Time for the drop by Sssingo posted May 5, 2015 at 10:01 AM Titanium = Time for the drop by Sssingo posted May 5, 2015 at 10:01 AM
Been making my scrape bridge bar and loading it up with titanium blocks Always a nice surprise when you think your as low as you can go; then you discover a little more drop can be had :-D