Uhhhm, what do you mean by "tear her down?" Just don't lose the paint on that roof! That looks wicked cool!
that would be alex? i've heard good things,and seen them too! saw your cars at the cow palace...nice job.
Hey on the close-up pix of the Wildcat roof, post them under 'manage attachments'. Can't see the detail the size they are now
Damn! A garage paint job? That is so nice. What green did you use? Can I see another of the interior?
yeah garage paint job lol umm his interior is not nice, like i said were gonna re do the whole car but i think he wants to go with a pearl white bisquet tuck, i went with a palin white diamond tuck on the wildcat u know more of a 60's theme on it, i'll post up more pixs later it was late last nite so i only put those up