I know there were popular paint colors, especially in the '70's but I think Honduras maroon was the most popular ever NEW color. By this I mean it was a very popular color for old car repaints, even some newer car repaints.
I can't think of any car not looking good painted Honduras maroon,love it. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
When I was a kid, the local hotshot had a new Honduras Maroon bubbletop. Been a fan ever since. If I ever get an X frame project, it will be that color. One of GM's greatest, with honorable mention to Satin Silver.
was a two year color ( gm 74) for O/t 70's firebirds ( 74-75) and it made the car look real sharp . but it didn't sell so they dropped it . I have only seen one in this color .the cordovan ( gm 37) was not as deep reddish looking almost brown . since I am in the process of choosing colors for the 50 that might be one on the list
My wife's '67 Camaro is Madeira Maroon. Think it might be the same color. Just with a different name.
I painted this 52 Chevy Honduras maroon in the eighties using acrylic enamel, when it was time to do my impala in the nineties the color was not avail in urethane so it got painted autumn maple Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Back in the early 60's I had a 61 convert that was Honduras Maroon. I think they all came from the factory with a gray and white interior
Wow, the color du jour of my youth! Guy in town had a '57 Ford ranchero, 430 lincoln powered, that was Hondouras Maroon with white upholstery, white toneau cover with Ace of Spades in the center and Lee tailight lenses with ace of spaces in the center. Geez I lusted after that car!!
I believe hondouras maroon was a 1950s buick color it was being used way before 1962 also buick had a very popular color called tahition red both colors were exelent on old fords mad them look like a custom car
Great color-remember a lot of cars painted that color in the early-mid 60's couple of real nice 55 Chevys in the Fresno area come to mind. There is an all steel 40 Willys around here painted that color without the metallic-looks great on that Ol Gasser-someone on here may have pics- Says Capitol City Speed Shop on the doors just like it was back in the day. Done by Pagano's shop.
Now that you mention that I believe you to be correct. My uncle had a 53 Skylark convertible that we would go for ice cream in cause it had leather seats. That was maroon but didn't know the name at that time.
GM had paint colors named after exotic sounding places, Cadillac Bermuda blue comes to mind. Honduras maroon w as beautiful, but the best was 1954 Buick TITIAN red an almost perfect match to a color invented by an artist in the 16th century named Titian, not named after the exotic island Tahiti. 54 Buick Titian was a dark blood red with a lot of gold metallic. They don't make it anymore but a lot of paint mixers try to come close.
That is right thanks for getting the spelling right Titian red I liked it better than Honduras maroon because of the gold metallic I painted a 32 3window that color in the 60s but Honduras maroon was very popular also chev had a vertion in the early 70s that people mistake as Honduras maroon I think maybe 76 very close but not the same . noting like 20 coats of hand rubbed lacquer only other option enamel
This is the restored Capitol Speed Shop Car but the color looks lighter. The Thompson and Poole car looks like Honduras Maroon.