I am trying to identify a 4 speed transmission. Everything looks like a Saginaw, the case, linkage, etc. but rather than 0-3 lines on the input shaft, there are 4 lines. I cant find anything that mentions 4 lines. Does anyone have any idea what I have? Thanks!
For sure a Saginaw, put it first gear, turn the input shaft, count the difference between the input and the output. I'll bet it's from a VEGA.
Thanks for the input. I'll check it out. Wow....crazy coincidence. I am working on a 1929 sport coupe with the top cut off (sacrilege, I know!). Still have a long way to go........
Probably Vega or Monza. Some of the early Vegas, maybe '72 and '73, had an Opel trans that was as bad as the engine in front of it. but most manual trans Vegas had the Saginaw 4 speed. When they were plentiful in the junkyards, a lot of people around here put them in Chevy pickups. They had a low first gear ratio, since the Vega 4 banger needed all the help it could get to get the car rolling. They can handle a stock small block Chevy forever.
I appreciate all the input. I'm still curious to know if anyone knows about the 4 lines cut into the input shaft..........I've never been able to find out anything about this, only 0-3 lines. Strange!
http://www.crankshaftcoalition.com/wiki/Transmission_identification. I can't locate anything in relation to 4 x grooved input shaft. There is a pad below the side cover at the rear, the numbers stamped there and casting may narrow things down a bit.