I'm going to be purchasing new rims and tires soon. I'm looking at the 700-18 and 550-18 Firestone Wide Whitewall tires. I've read quite a few older posts (2011/2012) which state the whitewalls turn yellow shortly after mounting them. I know just about any whitewall will yellow over time but there seemed to be a bigger problems with the Firestone's. Has anyone recently purchased Firestone Whitewalls and if so, have you had any problems with them yellowing/browning prematurely? Thanks
I've never looked at them or to see if there are any on the tires. I could look at them tomorrow if it would help. I bought them at a swapmeet last winter, directly from a Coker guy in their booth.
If it wouldn't be to much of a problem it would be nice to know when I go to purchase my tires. How do you likes the tires and how many miles have you put on them? Thanks for your time and help.
I've put a few hundred miles on them with no problems of complaints. I'll look for the dates tomorrow. tim
I have Firestone Deluxe Champion wide whites. 7.50x16 rears, 6.00x16 fronts. Ive put about 1000 miles on them in the last two years and they are great. I clean them with Black Magic Bleche-Wite and they come as clean and white as the day I bought them.
A lot of the old WWW radials had that problem, might even still be a problem with some brands. NOT bias plys.
I've had a set of bias ply Firestone 6.70 x 15s on my Plymouth for several years now. The whites have stayed clean with no bleed thru. I just use Mean Green spray cleaner and a brillo pad to clean them. (Before these, I bought some Coker Classic w w which did bleed thru even before being mounted. I returned them and got the Firestones.)
5 years and counting.No issues what so ever.I use Bleche and also Magic erasers…I am extremely happy with my Stones.
I had the front pair of Firestone www (600 x16) go yellow on me and also had a very hard surface to them in about 3 years.....could never get them white again. The rear 700 x 16 did not have those issue. Bought them from Coker also.
Hi. Looking at my avatar the tires have yellowed some over time & absolutely will not clean up at all. They still roll without any flat spots or thumping and do not show any dry rot or cracks but I should change them due to their age. Also as this will be a daily driver I need a safer tire for today's highway speeds. They are Allstate brand that I think were put on by previous owner back in the eighties or maybe earlier. I know they have not been made in years. Jimmie
I looked for dates and don't see any. I looked on the back side as well and didn't see any. If it is part of the serial number, I don't know how to de-code.
Thank you for taking the time to check. From what you and others have said, it appears Firestone may have resolved the yellowing problem but it's still a little nerve raking to think I'll be spending over $1,000.00 on tires I may be disappointed with. Thanks again for your help.
Looking for new front tires for my customer’s ‘36 Cabriolet. Found them at Coker and Speedway Little price difference from latter, but still both over $300 clams. Need to pull trigger today, so he can use car Saturday. Will post pictures when done Really concerned about cracks on front tires. God only knows how old they are. Back tires like new. JT