Hi folks, I'm in the middle of chopping my roof 6 inches. Sorry for asking but I've tried searching and couldn't find the answer. Please can you help, I can't make a decision on the doors. Is it best to slice up the sides squash in the bottom and stretch out the top? If I go this way will the slight angle mess up the glass going up and down? Or does the whole top of the door need cutting and enlarging to get the glass channels to meet up ? The slicing up sides looks easiest ! Looking at the channel with the door open... Thank you for any advice
Looks like it needed to be cut higher at the hinge area to match up. I don't know if ditching the upper hinge would cause the door to sag thou.
Line up the glass channel. The glass will not bend. You will need long slices to repair the misalignment. I can see a slice 4 inches above and 2 below to bring the parts into alignment.
Take a look at Flop's posts on here. He does a lot of step by step picts of his work. From what I gather, chopping these cars "right" is not a simple as most say. Before you do anything, check out Flop's picts. And keep asking question, this is a great site for help!
Glass channel comment is spot on. The aftermarket window channel fuzzys are even thicker than stock and that amplifies that alignment. Line it up there, slice above and below and bring one half in and the other out. Look in my threads, I have two threads of chopping my coupes w pics. If you can find the pics, pm me and I'll send the link to my photobucket account with pics there.
That car looks GREAT! Hope it keeps that look with a finished chop. I may even go work on my Fordor today, I'll need whatever tips you recieve on your door channel fit. Bob
as stated above, the most important part in ALL your window areas, it to keep that are straight and perfect. Make the rest of the body fit after the window channels are done. Remember to do this in the quarter and back glass areas too. I went thru many quarter glasses in my coupe due to misalignment.
Thanks for the great links... Wow wish I'd seen those earlier ! Love your car A Rodder ! I'm still not sure though as I have a little less height to play with. So far mine looks like yours, which makes me feel I've done right so far ! Plan is to keep it looking just as is... Though I have a Hemi to squeeze in yet.