I traded by T Bucket for this 41 chevy 2 door sedan, its a nice are, runs good, stops for shit but all in all a nice driver. Can anyone tell me anything about it? I got it from a guy in Brockton,Ma. but a guy off CL said he use to owned the car awhile ago & he said it was a 305 not a 350( I'll check numbers later.) Anything would be helpful.I think its been in the NE area for awhile. Also i'm stumped on what kind of MC it has The cap has japanese letters on it, but no manufacturer.So i figure its g to be a rice burner or a lid off a jar of Kosher pickles!lol You can see the master in the 3 engine photos Thanks for the help JimV PS & Please, i know the rims suck so please don't tell me!
LOL I saw one of those master cylinders at a swap meet last night. I think that are for a Toyota pickup or something. if you need to replace it just take it to the autoparts and if they don't recognize it they can run the numbers for you. Don't know anything about the car, but other then the goofy wheels it looks pretty nice. If it were mine I may want to try a bigger air cleaner on it though. Like a 14x3open element.
I'll go with beaner, seems a lot of the late 70s early 80s toyota truck stuff made it on rods (power steering units for sure). Looks like a nice ride. A day of detailing in that engine bay and moving things around would really change it up, and yeah, a big air cleaner!
If you need that master tell me, I can probably still get the one I saw last night. But I would try the parts store first, no shipping involved.
I like what 'beaner says as well. Bigger air cleaner, different wheels (you know that) and try to find some formed radiator hoses to fit. Looks like a solid, fun Chevy.....Enjoy.
Formed radiator hoses, that is so upscale. I like the accordion hoses myself, but it is a porknbean thing. I had a 40/41 coupe when I was in high school for a while, it was an ongoing project for about a year when it was ready for paint someone else had to have it worse then I wanted to paint it. neat old cars, I like the front clip on the '41 better then the '40, just smoother looking.
..............It's a personal thing, 'beaner. I've just always felt they were ugly, functional but ugly. And upscale, I don't think I've ever been accused of being upscale.
There is an ongoing thing in an under ground facility ( an old granite mine, they got 'em all over here) called Dale's Man Cave. it happens ever Wednesday night from 6:00 - 9:00. But like midnight auto some of the vendors and buyers are a little seedy, I fit right in. LOL Got ya. I was going to say "Street Roddy" but that would have just been mean. Mean isn't fun.
I like the perimeter of the grille blacked out. Yes different wheels and keep the ripple hoses. If it's solid underneath, you did real good.
Hollywood East Hot Rods 413 Plymouth Street, Halifax, MA 02338 (339) 244-4785 They had that car for sale a year ago.
It's a good looking car, just needs some detail/clean up of previous owners ideas, really nice paint from the pics. Let us know chassis, steering, brakes rearend. I'm interested.
Jim..........now that you have roll-up windows, I'm pretty sure it will never rain in New England again! T
Its a 305/th350 with a 10 bolt. Everything else is stock( frame, ft. suspension, etc) Runs pretty good. I'm looking for 10.5 K for it.I have 12K on the for sale sign j
Beaner is that Dale Wilch? didn't figure he was still around. Maybe I need a Wednesday road trip with some KC BBQ.
Sorry man, wasn't trying to buy your car, I'm interested in the build and would like more details on the car. Did the previous owner build it with stock suspension or does this car have a front clip swapped in. What rearend.