we shot the black epoxy primer yesterday on the cab and front end. This week I have to weld in new channel to raise the bed floor a bit and then we will shoot the bed on the weekend
While I really dig the '57 & '59 Ford bodywork, this is my favorite truck model of all time really. I'm so amazed that you found one up there, not totally rusted out. I lived by Lake Superior in '69 and it was tough to find an unrusted one even back then, unless it was a garage queen. Congratulations on seeing the end of a long road, and on bringing this beauty back to life.
After 2000 miles, I'm happy to report that the truck is performing well with no set backs to speak of.
That's the ultimate litmus test and your truck has passed with flying colors. Very cool! Anything can look pretty on a trailer but if the vehicle has had the miles under the wheels it proves that its the real deal. Btw I know from whence I speak. The picture of my avatar was taken at a truck stop in North Carolina in June of 1996, with about 500 miles on the rebuilt 429 and unproven 4 speed. Six days, one starter (Waukeenee, Kansas will forever be in my memory) and about a half dozen collector gaskets later we were in San Diego. The thumbs ups and grins made it priceless. Hey Dubie, when you gonna take that bad boy around the lower 48?
this one isn't set up for comfort on long rides so i don't see it crossing the border into the USA and cruising the lower 48. This truck might be going to my son in a year or so while the wife and I plan on moving further west. Getting sick of this -40 winter bull shit
Nice truck! I had the same style truck years ago and one thing that bothered me was how small the engine looked in the huge compartment. Problem solved with a used old tunnel ram dual 4 set up. I used Holley 390 CFM vacuum secondary carbs and the truck would get 18 MPG if driven lightly.
yeah the small blocks look pretty tiny in the engine bay. Mine looks even smaller because i have the engine sitting lower than normal to lower the center of gravity and keep the body roll to a minimum. But a real blast to drive
The nice thing about plenty of room in the engine compartment is its easy to reach everything. Even with the 429 in my truck there was plenty of room. Dubie I enjoyed following your build and gotta admit, though I'm pretty much a Ford guy, if I had the opportunity to do a '55-'57 Chebbie truck with a 409 and 4 speed I'd be all over it.