Trying to figure out. Is this a chevy or dodge/plymouth axle. Its 6 lug, im trying to find wheel cylinders and brake pad shoes. The car has a matching 6 lug rear end thts a 12 bolt rear cover. Right now i have a 46imch spring. a chevy bolt on steering arm boltes right to the backing plate Here is the rear end. The last time the car was on the road was in the 70's. the last georgia safety inspection sticker was 1976 and it has been sitting eversince them until i got it.
Early Mopar for sure, maybe with chevy spindles. They used these axles in early modifieds and sprint cars a lot. Might explain the 6 lug pattern.
Early Mopar, I would say mid 20's or so. Would have originally had wood spoke wheels. I came across an axle like that and it had the dodge bro's emblem on the hub
The axle is a mid 30's mopar .I think the spindels are most likely early chevy if the backing plates have an adjustment slots on either side of the wheel cylinder.
I would guess brakes are 6 lug Dodge truck as Chevy had a different kingpin inclination than Dodge or Ford.
i ended up chucking the front end out in the elements. I got a ford 40 i beam front end now with disc brake kit, now.
Hello, I've got a Dodge axle that I got from a homemade Trailer. Uses the Bed which isn't in need of any rust repair at all. But this axle doesn't have any steering parts but does have the 6 lug drums. Funny thing was the lug nuts which had rusted from the 3/4 " down to where 17mm 6 point socket to bring them off. Some were so odd that I used a punch to get them to move then each and every one turned smoothly. So Were can I find those parts that bolts to the hubs?
That's a MOPAR front axle and the brakes are probably adapted to it. Take the wheel cylinders to the local NAPA or other good parts store and have them match them by the numbers, then they can look them up and tell you what they are for.
Good, Now if I can find the steering pieces that connect to the Backing Plate. I'd love to use this on a build I'm doing now. I've got an Willys just like the one you see on my info data. Got rid of the frame cause of rust and thinking toward a Gasser style w/ Turbo Coupe drive train. I'm always out in left field chasing that foul ball.