If you're going as far as St. Louis, you might as well go another 140 Miles to the Columbia, Missouri area. Its supposedly in the "Top Ten" of the most desirable places to live. Columbia is about as centrally located as it gets in Missouri. Big enough to have most of the famous stores and restaurants, but small enough that you can get to just about anywhere in town within 20 minutes. Columbia is about an hour and fifteen minutes from the Lake of the Ozarks, about two hours from St. Louis, probably 4-5 hours from the HAMB Drags, etc....
All I know about St.Louis is that it is a hell of a lot closer to me and plow than new york. If you moved your funny talking, sexy ass this way, we could flood a cornfield and mud wrestle! Not that we need a third wheel, but we could tag team plowboy!
You seem to have had the sort of experience I'm having. I grew up in the county and I moved to South St. Louis(just south of Tower Grove Park) 13 years ago. I love it here. The city (proper) is experiencing a rebirth. Rehabbers (myself included) are taking advantage of tax credits and are redoing whole neighborhoods. It is a good time to be here as far as I'm concerned. The Fox theatre IS still around doing well and the whole area (Theatre district) is thriving. I love to make old cool houses functional again just like we like to do with old cool cars. St. Louis has an enormous stock of old cool houses. The automotive scene is thriving also. There are cruises here all summer, of course not always leaning towards the traditional. We used to go to Mid-America raceways in Wentzville but it closed last year so I guess we'll have to start going to Gateway. I love it here. St. Louis plating rules. I can vouch for Columbia MO also. I lived there on weekends for a few years while my wife finished school at UMC. Small town feel with big town amenities. A very educated town. We still have our house there (rented) and hope someday to be able to kick the renters out and live in both cities. I think if you give StL a try you'll like it. MT
It's me again. If you are a motorcycle person (bike) St.Louis to Jeff City has a road that is fantastic. Highway 94. That is also the winery road. If you like outdoor stuff we have a lot of big lakes, tons of out door stuff, the Katie trail(a bicycle trail)and we even have Branson-look it up. I'm originally from Illinois but have been here for 20 something years and love the state of Misery I mean Missouri. We are kind of a hilly state but it make for a nice place to live, friendly people. That's all. Mick
I was gonna mention Tower Grove, South Grand ,The Fox, etc-but like I said; I could go on an on...I really like St. Louis, just can't find time to get there, or anywhere for that matter
Fritz, Come on down to St. Louis love to have ya. Car scene is in full tilt here as one of the members said here I think there is more old cars between St Louis and K.C. then anywhere. Chuck-A-Burger is still open and packs them in with bands every weekend. They even expanded to another new location in St Charles. There motto is still Crusin since 1955 .Been there ever since! Keep hearing everything about East Stlouis , East St. Louis is in Illnois. You will never go there unless hitting the strip joints. Every city has them and they are always in the same kind of location if you know what I mean. Big sports town,great zoo,concerts and lots of crusies and shows. So many you will have 3-4 every Saturday and Sunday. Just have to figure out which one to go too. Every Easter gigantic show and cruise at Forest park. Everything from classics to muscle cars to ratrods and customs. Its the kick-off for the year. Should be packed since Easter is late this year!
St. Louis is a great place to live. The only area that i can tell you about is the neighborhood that i live in. It is Jefferson County about 25 miles south of downtown. Has every thing, new subdivisions, old subdivisions, trailer parks and is inhabited by yuppies and hoosiers alike. But for $250,000 you can get a nice lay out. There are plenty of back roads (paved). Nice thing about back road livin is you have property, the houses are usually spread apart far enough that you dont get bitchy neighbors or many people driving by. And in a short time you can be on a highway. Man, the grind fiberglass in the driveway would work fine out here; as long as you didnt buy in a subdivision. Buy my buddies house about a mile from me so I can ride in your bubble top . If i wanted to move, I would look just across the Mississippi River off hwy 255 in the Columbia Ill. Nice rural area. Pretty much stay away from north city and east st. louis . As for car stuff... there is a car show the first fri. of every month in Fenton that is HUGE!! And comin from NY to here you will be supprised at the cheap cost of livin in St. Louis. A friend of mine is from Jersy and moved here. Then his sister moved here and then their mom. Soon after that both grand parents. I think that says something. In the voice of Forest Gump, "Thats all I have to say about that"
I'm on the South East side of St. Louis area. I'd rather live in IL then MO due to the taxes that MO has. Also depending what part of IL you live in, you won't have safety checks or emmision testing either, as we don't here. IL unemployment checks are also better then MO, unfortunatly I know.
Terry Thorne is just outside St Louis.I think he goes by Old Goalie. Hopefully he'll see this thread.